Sleep matters
As a writer and designer, I’ve often hit roadblocks on my creative journey.
You know those times when you can’t get the words and designs right?
I’ve been there way too many times.
My solution?
I learned to just sleep on it.
Surprisingly, after a good night’s rest, I often woke up with the solution magically clear in my mind & ready to tackle my creative projects.
Here’s something even more fascinating.
Have you ever had to recreate a lost piece of work from scratch?
I’ve been through this, too, and something remarkable happens.
The new version of my design and writing turned out better than the original.
This is because our subconscious mind doesn’t stop working. It refines and improves our ideas, even when we’re not actively thinking about them. [Source]
Next time you’re stuck in a creative slump? Sleep on it!